Amanda is to books as bacon is to eggs or Linus is to his blanket or Calvin is to Hobbes. Books to me are sustenance, comfort and best friends. I could not live without my books and I know I will not live long enough to read all the ones that interest me. One of my favorite memories of childhood is on a summer's day sitting outside all day reading. I took a blanket and my pile of books into the front yard and when the shade moved to a different part of the yard, I moved too. It was a fabulous – I must have read at least three books that day.
Now that we have established that Amanda. Loves. To. Read. what books will tempt her to crack the cover and which will make her run screaming from the room? Let's start with the latter. I'm not terribly keen on science fiction or fantasy; my sister loved the VC Andrews books, but I had no interest at all. I don't read graphic novels and I was never a comic book person. Neither am I keen on Important Fiction. As a historian I read plenty of books about the unfairness and complicated nature of the human experience, I don't really feel the need to read about it in a fictionalized format. So when I read fiction, I want to have to think too much.
I have always tended to read nonfiction as opposed to fiction as learning is fun for me. When I want to know something, I go to the library and look for a book on the subject whether it is dating, sewing, blogging, religion, history, job hunting, gardening, or cooking. Now of course, my profession demands that I read nonfiction. Right now I am reading a book on central European migration to Cleveland
When I have a yen for fiction, I usually will pick a mystery. The first mysteries I read were the Bobbsey Twins
When I was little I had a huge collection of Golden Books. My absolute favorite was The Monster at the End of this Book starring loveably, furry old Grover
Another favorite was Mandy
Snuggled next to Mandy in my suitcase was a copy of Where the Sidewalk Ends
[Update 6/23/2011: The Monster at the End of the Book is now an iPhone/iPad App which you can purchase for $3.99. Just search for Grover at the iTunes Store. I haven't bought it yet, but the average customer rating is 4.5 stars.]
I think you made much the better choice! I love Shel Silverstein....
"My dad gave me one dollar bill
‘Cause I’m his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
‘Cause two is more than one!"
Loved that poem :-) Thanks for giving me a nudge to go visit my bookshelf of children's books - still the best.
Thanks Diana. I also liked the girl who would not take the garbage out and lazy lazy lazy jane who wanted a drink of water so she laid down and waited for it to rain. I hope you had a nice visit at the bookshelf!
Hi, Diana I enjoyed reading your account of your love of books. Susan
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