Friday, July 8, 2011

Movies - 52 Weeks of Personal History & Genealogy, Week #12

I do love the movies, but not quite enough to leave the house to go see them very often. I'm not certain why this is exactly, perhaps I'm simply lazy and cheap. On the other hand, seeing movies in the middle of the afternoon with about 10 other people just doesn't compare to watching Terminator 2 with a full house at the Cinerama Dome on Sunset in Hollywood or watching When Harry Met Sally in an equally packed theatre in Universal City.

I have a tendency when watching movies to try and figure out where they were shot - what part of California, London or New York are they in? Especially California - lots of films used to be shot in California, even if they weren't set there. I remember during my first quarter away at college I saw a movie (I think with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor) that had a scene shot in the Mission District of South Pasadena, my hometown. It was such a comfort to see a familiar site at time when everything around me was new and a bit scary. My friends, who were watching with me, however, were unimpressed; or, perhaps, had had too much to drink to realize what was going on.

If I find a movie I like, I will get the DVD and play it many times; kind of like visiting with an old friend. Some of my favorite movie friends at the moment are:

Julie & Julia
Michael Clayton
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Legally Blonde
Sliding Doors
You've Got Mail
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Star Trek
Lilo & Stitch
The Fog of War - Eleven Lessons from the life of Robert S. McNamara
Dead Poet's Society
The Hunt for Red October
A Room with a View
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain

I'm sure this list provides some great insight into my character, but I'm not entirely certain I want to know what it is. There are no films about Sweden either, although I'm certain one will present itself shortly.

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