Friday, August 26, 2011

What Historians Worry About from Demography and the Imperial Public Sphere before Victoria

Many of you are aware of what genealogists get riled up about - citations, websites that change their policies, and the word "professional" come to mind. This post, Names and Numbers, or, Do all historians secretly want to be biographers? provides a brief  glimpse of some things that irritate Historians (the professional, academic kind).

1 comment:

Jay Lemanski said...

I cannot help but agree with this article. The more I teach history the more I realize that history is NOT about dates and figures. It's about people. It's about how they confronted the issues that comprise the HUMAN experience. I believe there is a lot to learn by listening to the voices of those long dead, by studying their struggles, joys, sorrows (i.e. their lives). Biographies certainly fit into my vision of what our craft is all about.