Sunday, December 23, 2012

Krumkake this Christmas

Two years ago I published this post about making krumkake (Norwegian waffle cookies) with my grandmother, Karin Nordstrom Hood. Last week, for the first time in probably five years, I actually made some. Here is everything all set up and ready to go: batter, spoons and the iron warming on the stove. I even remembered to place tinfoil under the burner
The batter must be placed on the iron one spoonful at a time. By the end I had figured out how big the spoonful should be and that it needed to be spread around a bit.
This spoonful was a bit to big. The knife in the previous photo was used to scrape off the excess batter. This photo shows why the tinfoil is useful.

 Almost two hours later a plateful of krumkake and family history. Next year, I will buy an electric krumkake iron with automatic heat settings, cool to the touch handles, and a non-stick surface. Some models even make more than one at a time. My mother questions this plan. She asked, in the disapproving way that only a mother could, "Would using an electric iron be the same as using your great-great-aunt's?" Um... no, of course not, but that's not the point. The point is, more krumkake with less effort. Yum!

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